Ai Weiwei was released by the Chinese government just 3 days after I initiated this project. Although he is not yet truly 'free', we join with the global community in celebration of this release.
Important to remember is that three of his associates are still being held and there are restrictions on Weiwei's 'freedom'.

Detained on April 3rd 2011 by the Chinese authorities, released on bail on June 22nd 2011, Ai Weiwei is still today banned from leaving the country.
Let us continue to be outspoken for the release of these associates and Ai's unconditional freedom.

I will continue to call for and post mail art here.

"Undoubtedly, Ai’s star talent, his family history and global support from the artistic community helped a lot." - Jerome A. Cohen

25 June 2011

Associates of Ai Weiwei who had been subjected to enforced disappearance along with the Chinese artist since April have been released, according to media reports today.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said that restrictions on Ai Weiwei are in place for one year whilst he remains “under investigation”.

The Chinese authorities did not formally arrest, charge or indict Ai Weiwei with any crime. They only announced that he had "confessed" to alleged economic crimes.

“As Ai Weiwei has not been charged with any offence, we are concerned that the restrictions imposed on him are arbitrary. They violate his rights to freedom of expression, association and movement and should be lifted,” said Catherine Baber.
--Amnesty International

Friday, June 24, 2011